
Wairarapa College

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  • Program Length 1 year


  • Junior Curriculum

  • year 9 and 10 students study a breadth of Learning Areas but will have choice within these subject areas. For example, a student’s Social Science course will be selected from contextualised topics such as ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’, ‘Be Your Own Boss – Being An Entrepreneur’, ‘Aotearoa New Zealand – Beginnings’ and E Tū – Fight For Your Rights.’ Students select 12 courses each year with the year being split into two 18 week semesters.
  • Our Junior Curriculum also includes the opportunity for students to engage in Hāpori Community time. Students will participate in a service, cultural or learning group for one period per week e.g. Kapa Haka, theatre sport, chess, project-based learning, volunteering at local schools and organisations and Environment group.
  • Senior Curriculum

  • Year 11 – 13 are prepared for national qualifications. Senior students are encouraged to follow multi-level courses of study as appropriate.All Year 11 students study English, Mathematics and Science. They also choose three additional subjects.Year 12 students study six subjects.Year 13 students study five subjects.
  • Academic Mentoring

  • Academic mentoring has evolved from a desire to improve our results and to get to know our students better, in regard to their academic goals, interests, strengths and weaknesses.  Academic mentoring invites and encourages whānau to be an integral part of the process, building connections between the school and their families, with the student’s learning at the centre of all conversations.Twice a year Whānau meetings will be held.  Parents will be encouraged to book a time with their child to meet with the Whānau teacher on this day.  The Whānau teacher is the first point of contact regarding student learning.
  • Blended e-Learning

  • Blended e-Learning opens a new world of learning opportunities to engage and make better connections to real life. All students Year 9-13 are strongly encouraged to bring their own device.Blended e-Learning is a combination of face-to-face interactions in small groups accessing learning activities from a shared virtual environment. For example, Microsoft TEAMs / OneNote, video conference. Students are now able to access learning resources anywhere anytime through the Microsoft Platform.  This allows for differentiation and assistive technology to further support student learning.
  • Microsoft Office 365

  • All students have the ability to download Microsoft Office using their logon and password from the student intranet page called MyWaiCol. This gives students access to the entire office suite including Word, Excel and PowerPoint plus more, which they will use in school.
  • Accommodation

  • If you would like to live in a regular kiwi home and be treated as a part of a kiwi family then a homestay is for you. Our very carefully checked and police vetted homestay parents will look after you as if you are one of their family and provide you with a variety of genuine New Zealand experiences.
  • Most of our homestays are in Masterton but we could arrange for you to live out in the country, on a New Zealand farm.
  • You may choose to live in privately arranged accommodation, such as with an extended family member. The college is required to check this arrangement and the caregiver must undergo a police check.
  • Enrolment

  • International students are accepted in January, with a small number enrolling for Term 2 (May) and then a larger group in Term 3 (July) For students who intend studying toward NCEA [ National Certificate of Education] (NCEA). and University entrance (UE) qualifications, we strongly recommend that you study for AT LEAST three full time years at Wairarapa College. I.e. from Year 11 – 13. We would prefer you started at Year 10 if you can. Students are only accepted straight into Year 12, with an IELTS score of at least 5.5 or above. Students are not accepted straight into Year 13 if you intend studying toward NCEA. If you are not coming to Wairarapa College to study toward NCEA you may enter any year level
  • Tuition Fees - full year 170009 NZ$ approximately 9380 EUR
  • Tuition Fees - per term based on number of weeks 4250 NZ$ approximately 2380 EUR
  • Homestay Fee -  375 $ Per week  approximately 210  EUR
  • Administration Fee - 1500 NZ$ approximately 840 EUR
  • Uniform - if enrolled less than 6 months - 400 NZ$ approximately 223 EUR
  • Uniform - if enrolled more than 6 months - 800 NZ$ approximately 446 EUR
  • NZQA  Qualification Fee - 385 NZ$ approximately 215 EUR
  • Travel and health insurance approx - 650 NZ$ approximately  363 EUR
  • IELTS for students progressing to tertiary study  - 495 NZ$ approximately 260 EUR
  • Dates 2005
  • Term 1 - 29 January to 11 April (11 weeks)
  • Term 2 - 28 April to 27 June (9 weeks)
  • Term 3 - 14 July to 19 September  (10 weeks)
  • Term 4 - 6 October to 11 December (10 weeks)

Language Proficiency Requirements
11 . 12 &13
Accommodation Availability?
Tuition fee (Please specify the currency)
Application fee (Please specify the currency)
216 EUR
Start dates
29 January


  • New Zealand

About The institution

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  • Member since:

    July 3, 2023
UniGate Junior fee

Ref #: 3556

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